Save the World by Lunchtime

Innovative Disruption in Education, has made education more engaging and economical. Today with Thomas Edison State University[NJ], Credit-by-Exam, MOOCs like EdX & World Mentoring Academy(Free resources to pass 200+ AP/CLEP, DSST, TECEP etc), Makerspaces, Artists residencies etc( Students are earning a regionally accredited Bachelor's for less than $5,000(books & test fees) at their own pace. Not only is Innovation in Education making it Free WITHOUT Tax $'s, Senate & Congress approval's, it has lead to a more robust "Open Community for Successful Learning". Our current Education system relies on "Sage on the Stage" which learning research has shown has 5-10% learning retention, whereas Project Based & Socratic method has 50%-60% learning retention. As a HomelessEducator, I've worked solving this disruption in education , here's free resources to Hack HigherEd Please like and share with College students & Parents who don't like being in Student debt bondage.

 My Projects: